Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/19/18



On Monday’s Mark Levin show, Andrew McCabe and James Comey were the equivalent of dirty cops. The FBI is trying to cleanse itself and fight against these dirty cops but the dirty politicians and media won’t allow it. So corrupt were they, they were both keeping notes on President Trump - to try and blackmail him. McCabe’s actions were so over the top that it was recommended he be fired before the taxpayers contribute to his retirement. Comey and McCabe tried to interfere with our election and were more effective than the Russians were. They should be brought before a federal grand jury and questioned with their liberty on the line. Also, Congress wants to pass a law to protect Robert Mueller from being fired from Trump. In order to pass a law, the President has to sign it. If Trump wanted to fire Mueller why would he sign the law? In addition there’s a separation of powers problem, Congress can’t pass a law and tell the President he can’t fire someone. Finally, Mark Meckler, President of Citizens for Self-Gov