Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/12/18



On Monday’s Mark Levin show, The media in America claim that the 1st amendment is under attack and it is, by the very people who earn their living as journalists and reporters. They are destroying freedom of the press and they decided that the only way they can survive in competition is to take sides with the Democrat party. When President Trump calls out reporters they say it’s an attack on free speech. But it’s OK for the media to go on and on about a mental illness they say Trump has? What’s the purpose of freedom of the press? To give liberals platforms to spew their hate? Also, you don’t need to abandon conservatism in order to defend Trump. You can disagree strongly with him on things like immigration or tariffs. There’s no reason to abandon liberty or capitalism; you’re not disloyal to Trump if you are loyal to your principles. Later, the house intelligence committee found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Yet, the media is still on the prowl, trying to connect Trump