Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/8/18



On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, the Democrats and the media want you to focus on Roberts Mueller’s investigation into a meeting that Erik Prince had with the Russians in January 2017, but that’s not the story. The story is that Prince, an American citizen, was spied on by the Obama administration 9 days before Trump’s inaugration for no reason and then leaked his name to the media. There is no justification for spying on people realted to Trump’s campaign and it’s a disgrace that the media is protecting Obama’s spying. Do you realize how remarkable it is that Trump is President? FBI resources, the Obama White House, the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC all conspired to destroy Trump and the people around him. This is why there needs to be another special council appointed. Later, people who previously were proud capitalists have decided that Bernie Sanders and Herbert Hoover were right on tariffs. How can they embrace tariffs under Trump but rejected it under Obama? These Republicans supporting this are no