Mark Levin Audio Rewind

3/7/18 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Progressives believe in state’s rights and the 10th amendment one day and the next day believe the opposite, and this is exactly what’s going on in California. Their position today is to believe in the 10th Amendment and that states can decide their own immigration policy. However, the left and President Obama attacked Arizona for claiming the same thing a few years ago, taking Arizona to the Supreme Court to determine that the Federal government controls immigration. Everyone on the left attacked Arizona for defying Obama and enforcing federal law, but today they want California to create their own immigration policy and defy federal law. Their immigration policies aren’t intended to help the country; they’re intended to help the Democrat party and the progressive ideology. Also, prior Federal governments would punish states by cutting off funding to states that didn’t comply. Now the very people who did that in the past object to it being done today. This is why you can’t tak