Living Springs Q&a

Inverted Orthodoxy #331- Jonah and Nineveh, gender roles, Septuagint, and maybe more!



In this weeks episode, Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:1. 2:00 minutes into episode. Hi, Last week Pastor Blake spoke on Jonah's anger and he mentioned the city of Nineveh. The Great North American Eclipse happening on April 8th where the 6 cities named Nineveh that are located throughout North America will have 3 intersecting paths called the ALEF-TAV triad of eclipses and it happens right above the constellation of Cetus, the whale. Now I'm not into astrology at all but in further reading I found some interesting things: apparently some believe that there was a total solar eclipse just before Jonah warned Nineveh to repent, ALEF is the first letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and TAV is the last, ALEF is the first letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and TAV is the last. The Hebrew pictograph for TAV is an “X,” there are three “X”s on the map of the ALEF-TAV Eclipses. Biblically, three means something is complete." I know this is a little out there and convoluted, but wondering if you have hear of i