Conversations With Kate

[007] English Made Simple for migrants - My conversation with Milena Vujnic, part 3



This is episode number 007, the final part of my conversation with Milena Vujnic in which she talks about her own podcast, what you can learn from it, and how she is now focusing on her work with non-native English speakers who move to Australia and New Zealand. To request a lesson guide and transcript, contact Kate at Listen to my conversations with guests from all over the world. When you tune in, you'll learn how to stress less and become more confident when conversing in English. Subscribe to my email list to be notified when new episodes are uploaded and get access to transcripts and lesson guides.  You can also find the podcast on iTunes and Pocket Casts so you can listen "on the go." Copy and paste this link into the search box. Free eGuide available - Relax and Connect - 7 Tips to Overcome Foreign Language Anxiety Like my Facebook page. h