Coach Corey Wayne

Why You Should Never Agree To Lunch Dates After Getting Dumped



Why you should never agree to lunch dates when you are trying to get her back after getting dumped. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who got dumped by his girlfriend of 3 years unexpectedly. She moved all her stuff out while he was at work and he came home to an empty house and was heartbroken. She had been complaining for some time, but he didn’t take her seriously. It appears that he is new to my work, hasn’t read 3% Man and clearly doesn’t know what he is doing and is trying to cherry pick videos and bend the rules. He’s been pursuing his ex. Calling her, doing errands for her, changing the battery in her car, going on lunch dates, but getting no romantic interest or intimacy from her. He asks what he should do now. If you have not read my book, “How To Be A 3% Man” yet, that would be a good starting place for you. It is available in Kindle, iBook, Paperback, Hardcover or AudioBook format. If you don't have a Kindle device, you can download a free eReader app from Am