Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

Grounding exercises and techniques for health as a fast energy healing



Today, you’ll hear about grounding yourself, what effects you can expect and why you would want to do that.Even though I haven’t spoken about grounding much, it is the first thing that I do when I start working with a client to help their health (or even myself as my own client to improve my well-being).It is a way to quickly release the excess or disharmonious energy out of your body fast. It is the way I prepare my healing clients and students for up leveling their frequency or health. In this broadcast, you’ll discover some quick ways to do it for yourself AND how to use it to your best advantage to get faster results.Standout Quotes:“The deeper you go into this natural place, the more you leave behind.”“We are these amazing miracles vibrating at a very high rate of speed with 40 or 50 trillion cells with 9 trillion reactions every day.”Key Takeaways:A good ground exercise is to take your shoes off and stand outside in dirt, or go walking along the beach and go walking in the shoreline.Some of the disharmo