Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

How energy healing can help you recover from financial abuse in marriage or divorce



Today, you’ll hear about financial abuse that can happen in marriage and during a divorce. This involves theft of marital assets and then the very difficult and sometimes impossible recovery during the divorce. Some of you may be facing this very thing. Let me tell you about Carrie.Carrie had properties and a reasonable amount of wealth after retirement from a government agency. She thought she had enough to go through life. She is a very beautiful woman and thought she had attracted the love of her life. He wooed and treated her like a queen.She was only too happy to marry him and did not take the usual precautions of a prenuptial agreement because he carried on as if he had a lot of money as well. While he was dating her, he spent lavishly on her: gifts, trips, restaurants, you name it.After they married, he started taking her assets one by one and one day, after he got a lot of them (we’re talking hundreds of thousands of dollars in money, properties, fine things, etc.), he wanted a divorce.This surprised