Sales Reinvented

Your LinkedIn Profile Should Make You Sellable per Kevin Turner, Ep #396



LinkedIn is a professional site built for business and networking—why not make it the best you can? Optimizing your profile photo, banner, and headline is a great place to start. But what can you do to make yourself sellable? How can you adjust things so that LinkedIn (and search engines ) prioritize you in search results? Kevin Turner shares some incredible tips in this episode of Sales Reinvented.  Outline of This Episode [1:35] Why a compelling LinkedIn profile is important [2:27] The elements with the greatest impact on sales [4:14] How to tell your professional story on LinkedIn [6:20] Balancing professionalism and personality  [7:21] How often to update your LinkedIn profile  [10:31] Kevin’s cautionary tale about LinkedIn tools [17:14] Kevin’s top LinkedIn profile dos and don’ts  [23:23] Don’t be afraid to pivot and adjust How to tell your professional story on LinkedIn Resources & People Mentioned The Go-Giver Connect with Kevin Turner Connect on LinkedIn Connect With Paul Watts  LinkedIn Tw