Gary Ryan Moving Beyond Being Good®

10X Mindset



The webinar series begins with an introduction and welcome to the audience. The host introduces himself and his co-host and explains the purpose of the series. They discuss the concept of the 10X mindset and its importance in achieving success. The host shares the story of the Undercover Billionaire TV show and its relevance to the 10X mindset. The purpose of the webinar series is to challenge the audience's thinking and provide practical strategies for success. The host introduces the Model, Mimic, Master methodology and offers a VIP program for further mentoring. The chapter concludes with a discussion on setting goals, targets, and commitment. The conversation explores the principles of the 10X mindset for business success. It emphasizes the importance of setting high goals, thinking in multiples of 10X, getting comfortable with discomfort, and understanding that money follows attention. The conversation also highlights the need to identify potential customers, close cycles, and maintain ethics and au