Spacetime With Stuart Gary

S27E41: Earth's Puzzling Past: The Greenlandic Birth of Scandinavian Lands



The Space, Astronomy & Science Podcast.SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 41*The Scandinavian Connection: Born from Greenland's Ancient CrustIn a groundbreaking geological study, scientists have traced the oldest Scandinavian bedrock back to its origins in Greenland, revealing a continental connection dating back 3.75 billion years. Published in the journal Geology, this research uncovers a hidden chapter of Earth's crust beneath Denmark and Scandinavia, suggesting a tectonic detachment from Greenland that predates previous estimates by a quarter of a billion years. The discovery, locked within zircon minerals, not only reshapes our understanding of continental drift but also underscores Earth's uniqueness in the solar system as a cradle for life.*Blue Origin's Orbital Reef: A Leap Towards Commercial Space HabitatsBlue Origin, in collaboration with Sierra Space, has achieved a significant milestone in the development of the Orbital Reef commercial space station. Under NASA's watchful eye, the project has success