Coach Corey Wayne

A Good Woman Brings You Peace. A Toxic Woman Brings Chaos. Choose Wisely!



Why a good woman will bring a man peace while a toxic and abusive woman will disturb it. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who like most desperate and lonely men who don’t understand women, is too thirsty to see reality through his delusional fantasy of what he wants his girlfriend to be. He got involved with an abusive, controlling and toxic woman. She got jealous of anyone and anything that got in the way of her having a monopoly on his time. He dumped her, but then she offered sex only, and later he caved into taking her back. Then he got drunk and kissed another girl because he was so fed up with her, but she found out. He asks my opinion because he still thinks he’s going to “fix” her. If you have not read my book, “How To Be A 3% Man” yet, that would be a good starting place for you. It is available in Kindle, iBook, Paperback, Hardcover or Audio Book format. If you don't have a Kindle device, you can download a free eReader app from Amazon so you can read my book on