She Renovates

29 - Renovating to Retire



On today’s episode, Bernadette is going to be talking about how you can use renovating to fund your retirement and solve your financial problems in life. Retirement is not a good word to hear, it conjures up images of grannies, retirees, and seniors that grow roses and complain about young people and lunch on shopper dockets. If you want a big life that leaves a mark, renovating will help you to make a difference Bernadette will cover, What is retirement and how do you prepare for it? One of the key ingredients to a successful renovating career. Why would you use renovating and property to fund your retirement? The biggest mistake that most people make What are cookie cutter properties and why it's a step backward How to move with the market with a general plan to keep you moving forward How to be savvy about buying property High cash flow strategies that deliver income and not cost money When do you decide that it's the right time to stop working A mind map that demonstrates the path and how to approach it