Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Do You Share the Traits of the Top 1%? — Don Barden, author of “The Perfect Plan,” shares The Secret Formula of the Elite 1% of Business Leaders



      Don Barden               Do You Share the Traits of the Top 1%?  In every aspect of life, there seems to be that Top 1%, those who have achieved success beyond what is considered ‘normal.’ While we all work hard and try our best, we wonder what makes them ‘so lucky.’ Were they born with it? Did they have special parents or someone in their life who taught them? Did they know the right people? The answer is no to any of that. The Elite 1% aren’t lucky. They put in the time and effort to reach a high level of performance, and the characteristics that define them cut across race, culture, language, industry, and any other category you want to look at. There is common ground upon which these individuals are focused. If you want to know what qualities you share or what qualities you may want to learn, tune into this podcast to hear how it is done.   Learn more about Don Barden and his work by emailing him directly at the address mentioned in the podcast.     Click here to check out our newes