Denise Griffitts - Your Partner In Success!

Tammy Alvarez Love Mondays Again



At the heart of every successful business are leaders who inspire courage. Tammy Alvarez is a visionary who catalyzes leaders to level up their performance for themselves and their businesses. Her spirited “Break all the Rules” approach blends decades of C-Suite experience on Wall Street with a pragmatic, results-based coaching style that helps business professionals create a big impact and love every Monday morning again. Tammy Alvarez is here to share insights on the fractured corporate-employee relationship. According to her, ambitious leaders must adopt a different approach to succeed, as adhering strictly to conventional norms will only hinder growth opportunities. Alvarez suggests treating one's career as a business and embracing a CEO mindset to make better decisions and present oneself differently. Additionally, she emphasizes the importance of prioritizing oneself for success, advising individuals to seek environments aligned with their vision, preferred work style, and thriving culture. She is als