Unconventional Life With Jules Schroeder

Ep394: Cutting Through Life's Toughest Fabrics with Entrepreneur & Philanthropist Eric Karnezis



Hi, I'm Eric Karnezis. My life's been a pretty wild ride. I grew up on the streets after my parents, who were involved in drugs, ended up in prison. Those days were tough, but they taught me a lot about standing on my own two feet and bouncing back, no matter what life throws at you. I didn't have much growing up, but I had big dreams. And I worked hard. Really hard. Now, I've made it as an entrepreneur and done pretty well for myself. I'm talking millions. But even more remarkable is that I found peace along the way. I got into spirituality, and it's changed everything for me. I'm not just about making money. I believe in giving back. That's why I'm creating a difference in my community, helping out where possible. I've also written a book about my life. It's not just my story; it's a message of hope. I want to show people that no matter how hard things get, there's always a way to turn your life around. So, that's me. I've seen the worst and best of life and am here to share what I've learned. I am looking