Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

How to Identify and Leverage Your Podcasting Type for Success



I'm going to let you in on a little secret – there are three kinds of podcasters out there. Whether you're doing it just for kicks, making your podcast the star of the show, or using it as your driving force of your sales engine. Get ready to align those podcasting actions with your goals and start building your more profitable podcast.Now, don't tell everyone, but I'm going to give you the inside scoop on my own podcasting journey. I even get the soapbox out briefly to share why we focus on just ONE of these podcaster types with our work at Uncommonly More. If you've been dreaming of a strategy fairy godmother, or are frustrated with the advice you’re seeing elsewhere, it’s time to tune in.I'm all about helping you figure out which podcaster type you are so you can craft the most kick ass, profitable, and downright effective show that's ever hit the airwaves. So stay until the end because I’m giving you some action items to evaluate where you are now, and get clear on where