Santa Maria Foursquare Church

Multiply: The Key to Living in God's Blessing — Part 1



We all want a life that’s blessed by God, but too often we cling to the seeds He has given us, mistaking them for the blessing itself. They’re not! They’re simply the initial resource He’s entrusted to us. The true blessing of God isn’t activated until we sow these seeds. That’s when God does His work as the Divine Multiplier — exponentially increasing what we’ve sown. This not only benefits those who receive our gifts but enriches us as well. Remember, there is no reaping without sowing! It is as we courageously multiply what God has placed in our hands that we’ll truly experience the abundance of His blessing. What's the key to living in God's blessing? It's found in Genesis 1:28 — Be fruitful AND multiply! Both are essential. Follow this link to download a handout that goes with today's message: