Vineyard Church Of Ann Arbor Sermon Podcast

When God Comes Near



When God Comes Near by David Paladino - Like us on or watch our livestream Sundays @ 10:45am - In his Palm Sunday sermon, Dave reflects on the complexities of Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem, which is narrated in the Gospel of Luke. He discusses the tension between the celebratory mood of Jesus' followers and the somber reality of Jesus' mission, which culminates in his crucifixion. Dave explores how different groups—the joyful disciples, the threatened religious leaders, and Jesus himself—perceived this event. Jesus' entry provokes various reactions, underscoring the conflict and misunderstanding between him and the religious authorities, who are portrayed as increasingly antagonistic. Dave then introduces the concept of the "false self," using the character from the film "Good Will Hunting" as an analogy to explain how people construct protective personas based on their desires and agendas. This idea extends to a "religious false self," where individ