She Renovates

240 - Audience Question: We have heaps of equity but bank wont lend to us because we don't have the ability to service the loan. with Louise Lucas



Tune in to our latest podcast episode where we dive into the world of finance and property with our legendary Wonder Woman broker, Louise. Join us as we unravel the mystery behind getting finance when you're approaching retirement age or unemployed.Discover insider secrets, including how to present yourself to lenders, leveraging reverse mortgages, and innovative strategies like renovating your way out of a mortgage.Plus, uncover the hidden potential of credit cards and charge cards for financing your next project.Don't let age or financial constraints hold you back—listen now!“The initial problem is they have to justify their lending capacity to ASIC and APRA. If you're giving them a 30 year loan, do they have the capacity to repay that loan? And if they don't, what are you doing about it? And so we have to find a way to present your story to the lender in a way that makes it easy for them to say yes, because they have an excuse to give you the money and they want to lend to you, don't be mistaken. But