She Renovates

16 - 14 Days To A New Bathroom Series - Day 9



On today’s episode,   Bernadette is now on Day 9 of the mini-series 14 Days To A New Bathroom. She will discuss the electrical - lighting, heating, and power points - elements you will need for your bathroom renovation. Most importantly lighting, it's four main types, and how it forms part of the aesthetic as well as the function of the bathroom. You will learn which type of lighting is the most practical and which brings the WOW to your bathroom. Plus some practical tips on heating installation.   Bernadette covers, How to give more functionality to your bathroom than just for the basics of showering and washing Why she goes for downlights for ambient lighting and what you need to know when you're purchasing them yourself Task lighting and how they should be positioned to your best advantage How to use accent lighting to fully elevate your bathroom renovation Why she highly recommends using pendant lighting in your bathroom The ups and downs of using a specialist or functional lighting and tips on correct i