She Renovates

9 - 14 Days To A New Bathroom Series - Day 2



On today’s episode, Bernadette is discussing the planning stage for your bathroom renovation. This is Day 2 of the mini-series: 14 Days To A New Bathroom and she will be talking about a few of the common problems in bathrooms that you need to make sure that you've got covered. Bernadette covers, Simple tricks for increasing the size of your bathroom without costing you a fortune Why you should consider reworking the dining room to add more space to your bathroom Joining a shower and a bathtub without crowding the bathroom Why it's important to avoid the use of bulky furniture and keeping it all compact What it means for the bathroom to not be considered a habitable room according to the national construction code The secret to avoiding black mold marching across all your new walls and ceilings Tips for a landlocked bathroom When to get council approval Do you need owners corporation approval to renovate an apartment's bathroom? Making alternate arrangements for your bathroom renovation   --- If you find th