She Renovates

2 - 10 Things You Need To Know About Flipping



Bernadette Janson is the founder and CEO of The School Of Renovating, blogger, speaker, book contributor, wife homemaker and mother of three, and now the host of the podcast "She Renovates".   "She Renovates" is a podcast for women who love renovating and wants to take it to the next level to create an income and a life they love thru professional renovating.   On today’s episode, Bernadette discusses a popular property investment strategy used by many Australians, renovating to sell or “flipping”. She shares the 10 important things that you need to know about flipping, and boost your earning potential and renovating success. Bernadette covers,   Four main reasons to flip Why would you NOT flip? How you can keep a good eye on your property taxes with a good property accountant and protect your personal assets The strategy of flipping a family home and staying on the right side of taxation law Doing proper market research to ensure profitability Sourcing the right property and working with buyers agents for