She Renovates

1 - Why She Renovates



Bernadette Janson is the founder and CEO of The School Of Renovating, blogger, speaker, book contributor, wife homemaker and mother of three, and now the host of the podcast "She Renovates".   "She Renovates" is a podcast for women who love renovating and wants to take it to the next level to create an income and a life they love thru professional renovating.   On today’s episode,   Bernadette outlines the virtues of renovating to improve your income and your life Including increasing the yield on your property portfolio, replacing a job you don’t love, helping your family and even helping your favorite charity.   Bernadette also covers,   How she started pursuing her love of renovating at the age of 13 How her husband Stephen was supportive of her passion in the past 40 years and has been a big factor in her success How The School of Renovating was born out of this passion to help out women renovators How she discovered a way to help retiring women to make an income out of their renovating skills Solutions