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Episode 2032: Natalie Foster on how the arc of the 21st century American moral universe is bending toward justice



Finally some good news for progressive Americans. According to Natalie Foster, whose new book The Guarantee is out on April 23, Americans are about to get the economy they deserve. In The Guarantee, Foster gets inside the what she describes as “the fight” for our economic future and discovers the seeds of an American post neo-liberalism. This “New New Deal” began, she says, in the depths of the Great Recession of 2008, and matured during the COVID years when the government took financial responsibility for tens of millions of Americans affected by the pandemic. And now, she argues, both Trump and Biden are committed to an America in which the US state, rather than the market, determines the economic fate of its citizenry. “Something imaginable” is happening, she promises. I hope she’s right.Natalie Foster is the author of “The Guarantee” (April 2024, The New Press), and is president and co-founder of the Economic Security Project, a network dedicated to advancing a guaranteed income in America and reining in