Dracaena Wines Podcast

The Science of Tasting Wine Part 2



It’s Monday, Let’s raise a glass to the beginning of another week. It’s time to unscrew, uncork or saber a bottle and let’s begin Exploring the Wine Glass!  Today, as promised, I am sharing the second part of a fantastic seminar I attended hosted by Serial Wines in Paso Robles. I hope you enjoyed the first part. Today, we continue with the senses and how to relate to the taste of wine. The background noise is a bit louder, (as more alcohol was consumed.) As a reminder, the event was for industry and it was right up my alley. It was the science of taste. This is particularly near and dear to me as I have a published article in Wine Folly on the topic. (in fact one of the images used in the seminar was taken from that exact article - what a pleasant surprise!) This is a great seminar, and has a lot of intriguing information. Please note, that as with all recordings like this, the audio is not at peak, but I still think you will fully enjoy it. The second part of the education seminar will be next week! So be su