Jenn Taylor #rerouting

Parenting with a Broken Tailbone from Forceps Delivery, Severe Postpartum Depression & Yoga - Sarah Parise S6 E91



~Tough time getting pregnant due to an undiagnosed thyroid condition, Hashimotos.  ~Birth trauma (My daughter wasn't breathing when she was born so she was taken to the NICU immediately with my husband and I broke my tailbone during delivery, so recovering was unique/challenging in many ways)  ~Self-care after birth was non-existent and that's the way I thought it should be. Give everything to your child, nothing remains yours, that's what motherhood is.  ~After digging myself out of the darkness of postpartum depression I was determined to change the narrative on self-care for all mothers! ~I created The Great Days For Mom Method Program to empower moms to prioritize their own physical, mental & emotional health for just 2% of the day so that they can tame the chaos of motherhood, have more energy and ultimately experience more joy, resulting in MORE GREAT DAYS!  I am an experienced personal trainer, yoga instructor, CEO & business owner, but most importantly, a mother. Becoming a mother