Diversity Stories

S03E36: In Full Bloom



In full bloom – a conversation between Angela Jerardi and Giulia Bellinetti in the gardens of Jan van Eyck Academy  What does it mean to make a garden a site for ecological practice, pedagogy and labor within the context of an art institution? What experiences, aesthetics and frictions emerge through gardening?  This episode takes us to the gardens of the artist residency of the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht, where our guest, teacher, researcher, and writer Angela Jerardi is invited to be in conversation with the head of the Nature Research department and coordinator of Future Materials of the Jan van Eyck Academy, and PhD researcher at ASCA, Giulia Bellinetti.  In a courtyard where branches overgrow steel structures, and ivy foliage softens their voices, and dampens their footsteps, Angela and Giulia speak on how they have moved their teaching, research and writing into gardens and land practices. Walking between pumpkins, bamboo, and compost, they reflect on the questions, labor and hardships that have