Chris Wallker

Conscious Leadership - Clear The Past - Arrive In The Future



Here are five exercises to help people practice and become proficient at embracing the learnings from the presentation: Journaling Exercise: Take time each day to journal about both positive and negative experiences. Reflect on how these experiences have shaped your beliefs, values, and resilience. Practice gratitude by finding something to appreciate in both the positive and negative aspects of your day. Role-playing Non-Compliance: Engage in role-playing scenarios where you practice non-compliance in a calm and assertive manner. Imagine situations where someone challenges your beliefs or tries to impose their will on you. Practice responding with grace and firmness without resorting to aggression or defensiveness. Shadow Work Meditation: Set aside time for meditation focused on exploring your shadow self—the aspects of yourself you may have repressed or denied. Reflect on past judgments, insecurities, or negative traits you may have disowned. Embrace these aspects with compassion and acceptance, acknowledg