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Episode 2041: Dr. Judy Ho on how we can stop f*****g ourselves up



Dr Judy Ho has a new book entitled The New Rules of Attachment: How to Heal Your Relationships, Reparent Your Inner Child, and Secure Your Life Vision. It’s one of those books which explain to us, in our therapeutic age of intense anxiety, how to stop f*****g ourselves up. Yeah, I know. These kinds of books, by “clinical and forensic neuropsychologists” like the telegenic Judy Ho, can be intensely annoying. But, as an proven expert in f*****g up one’s life, I rather liked Dr Judy’s arguments about “reparenting our inner child” and securing our “life vision”. And I was particularly intrigued by her theory of “Dialectical Behavioral Therapy” - a particularly wild Jungian child of Marx’s parental principle of dialectical materialism.Dr. Judy Ho, Ph. D., ABPP, ABPdN is a triple board certified and licensed Clinical and Forensic Neuropsychologist, a tenured Associate Professor at Pepperdine University, and published author. She penned Stop Self-Sabotage (published by HarperCollins in August 2019), a book detailin