
Are you using OneNote, Planner, and To-Do for the right things?



How should you best use OneNote, Planner, and To-Do? In this week's episode of Done!, I explain what you should use these three popular tools for - and not. Of the mentioned apps, Planner is used the least by the people I help. Therefore, if you do, I’m curious to hear how you use it. Please write to me and tell me. I'm happy to listen. Do you have a colleague who would benefit from clarifying their app usage even more? Please share this tip with them because the more people in our surroundings who also work in a structured manner, the smoother our workdays will be. Book my new talk "AI in your workday" for your next meeting! These episodes are also available as a weekly newsletter to your email. If you rather read than listen (or both!), sign up for a free subscription. David Stiernholm is a ”struktör”. As such he helps people and companies become more efficient and productive by creating better structure. His motto is: everything can be done easier! David is frequently hired as a speaker by all kinds of