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Securing Our Democracy: Faith, Virtue, and the Battle for Election Integrity, on Foundations of Freedom Thursday



Today on Foundations of Freedom Thursday we look at some listener questions- If financial transactions can be secure, why not elections? If Liberia has a similar constitution, why haven’t they experienced the same prosperity as the United States? What happens if a presidential candidate doesn’t receive enough electoral college votes? Louisiana passed a law saying that no foreign treaty will be able to influence the policy of the state. Is this constitutional?Discover the pivotal role faith plays in shaping our culture and the mechanisms our Constitution provides to protect the cherished values of our republic. We delve into the world of election integrity, drawing parallels between the security of our votes and that of our financial transactions. Grapple with the necessity of virtue within our electorate and consider how morality underpins the very fabric of our electoral system.Venture with us into the digital battlefield where the preservation of our republic hangs in the balance. We recount tales of encryp