Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

FOF #2268 – The Island of Misfit 80s Toys



During the holiday season, a lot of folks look back fondly on their childhood. For those of us who were kids in the 80s, we got to play with some incredibly strange and wonderful toys.It’s a miracle we aren’t dead, demented or in prison.Today we’re taking a walk down memory lane of the strange 80s, a time when coked up conservatives ruled every facet of American politics and culture, and our toys were the stuff of nightmares.Joining us today is the fine ass Sith lord of popular culture and all things girly Robyn Pennacchia who writes about culture news and politics for The Frisky.Listen as we talk about: Gobbles the Goat and Baby Alive-creepy dolls who really ate things, toxic slime for kids, disturbing dating games for girls and those sad, depressing Sea Monkeys.Plus—➤ Carly Fiorina’s political career goes to the dogs.➤ Trump says he doesn’t have enough water to wash his hair.➤ People who still haven’t seen and will not see any Star Wars movie.____________________FEAST OF FUN IS MADE POSSIBLE BECAUSE OF FABU