Igor Kheifets List Building Lifestyle

IKS046: Enzo Ferrari's School Of Marketing Business Opportunities



How's buying a Ferrari similar to joining an online business? Very. Let xplaineth... When you're looking to start a business or join a company, you want to join the best one. You look into all the features, benefits and the high-tech gizmos which come with the package. And more often than not, the most robuts system wins you over. The Ferrari of money-making systems, so to speak. So you go all in and hope it's going to produce amazing results for you quickly. Because that's what a great system is supposed to do. Plus, that's what the hollywood-smile sales guy said it's going to do for you. But it doesn't. So you join another system. This one's the Lamborghini of biz opps. But it doesn't work either. You see... Investing in a Ferrari or a Lambo doesn't automatically make you a world class driver. In fact, most people who buy a Ferrari end up crashing it within the first 6 months, because they've got below average driving skills. There's another secret ingredient you're missing (not talent or brains). Stream no