Igor Kheifets List Building Lifestyle

"Rich Igor, Poor Igor" With Robert Kiyosaki



SPECIAL EPISODE: On March 19, 2007, a young man had an argument with his childhood friend about what it takes to get rich. The boy was only 19 at the time and insisted the only way to become wealth was to go to school, get a degree, get a secure job, and work hard. He was convinced that formal education is the key to riches because that is what his mother told him and he never questioned her. His young friend on the other hand who did not excel in school claimed the best way to become a millionaire wasn’t taught by the public school system and that the only thing they teach in school is how to work hard to make other people rich and to prove it he gave the young man a book with a weird title and said he should read it before they continue their talk. So he did. He read it cover to cover, three times. He couldn’t believe the secrets this book revealed about the rich teach their kids about financial wealth. It completely transformed the way the youngman thought about money. It taught him how to think like a ric