Living Springs Q&a

Inverted Orthodoxy #337- Jesus and the Super Bowl, Bible Translations, Stillness, and maybe more!



In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle and Doug discuss the following:In relation to the purity topic/the way people dress, what steps can we take to teach teens how to to live with wisdom and self control without instilling the negatives that purity culture has brought aboutWhat are your thoughts on “He gets us” ad that ran on the Super Bowl; advertising Jesus approach. Apparently it shows several controversial groups: a priest washing an LGBTQ members feet, a police officer washing a criminal’s feet, etc.. millions of dollars were spent on this ad.. “ He gets us “ . Is it ok? I may be worth your looking at as a topic for your inverted theology questions.  Or is it too controversial to handle.  You decide.Apr 8 - Which translation of the bible do you prefer? Recently Doug read a verse and then gave a the same verse in English Standard version. Are some versions more accurate than others? Which version would you recommend to teens or new Christian’s, are some easier to understand than others?Apr 8 - On Sunday we