Fight Back With Libby Znaimer

Planning for Retirement & The Latest on the UOFT Encampment



THE ZOOMER SQUAD: PLANNING YOUR OAS AND CPP FOR RETIREMENT Libby Znaimer is joined by Bill VanGorder, Chief Advocacy and Education Officer of CARP, Anthony Quinn, Chief Community Officer of CARP and Dave Korzinski, Research Director of the Angus Reid Institute. Canada Post just reported staggering losses and warns of more to come. Will we see more cuts or even an end to mail delivery? And let’s talk about pensions and money and big questions around how and when to take CPP. And when it comes to Zoomer health, we’ll check in on the campaign to get more of the latest vaccines covered by medicare. THE LATEST ON THE ANTI-ISRAEL ENCAMPMENT AT UOFT Libby is now joined by Jay Solomon, Chief Advancement Officer, Hillel Ontario which is a campus Jewish organization and Yotam Gubbay, a student at UofT who is about to begin graduate studies. As we have been reporting since last week, the UofT administration has made NO move to dismantle the anti-Israel encampment - not only that - they are allowing the masked  prot