Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

Ep 366: Fork in The Many Roads



Hey, everyone. Sheevaun here Driving For Your Success. And I am in a beautiful location with the water in the background and just came out of the ocean water, which is always healing, always beautiful, always restorative. So if you can get into the water on a regular basis, and today's topic is about the fork in the road. And the fork in the road is something that maybe you have more than one fork in the road, but generally at any given time, you can only maintain two forks in the road. You're going to say if this, then that, and then, and then another one is if this and then that. But you're going to imagine that you're juggling multiple forks in the road. And the truth is you can only juggle two opposing or even a complimentary ideas for the solution. So the fork in the road is what you get to choose to get to that next place. And most people tend to choose fear and worry and anxiety and stress and tension and that mentality truly they get into lack mentality. I can't, I only have, you know, I'm cash strapp