Fight Back With Libby Znaimer

What You Need to Know About the Capital Gains Tax



RECOVERING POLITICIANS PANEL: PM TRUDEAU'S CAPITAL GAINS TAX EXPLAINER VIDEO FACES BACKLASH Libby is joined by George Smitherman, a former Ontario Liberal Health minister and Deputy Premier, Cheri DiNovo,  a former NDP MPP and Lisa Raitt, a former Deputy Leader of the federal Conservatives. We kick the discussion off about new penalties from Queen's Park for auto theft - will they do any good? And, the latest on the Mississauga mayoral race and Prime Minister Trudeau's video explainer on the capital gains tax. MORE ON THE CAPITAL GAINS TAX: MORE ON THE CAPITAL GAINS TAX: IMPACT ON COTTAGES AND DOCTORS Libby is now joined by Kim Moody, an FCPA and the founder of Moodys Tax/Moodys Private Client, and a former chair of the Canadian Tax Foundation as well as Birute Luksenaite, principal lawyer at Toronto-based Portfolio Estate State Law. It’s true the capital gains increase will affect very rich people but also a specific segment of the middle class - people who have family cottages that they have owned for