Malcolm Cox

S2 Ep2189: Teaching Tip 362 | “Plain Speaking - five things that can spoil an otherwise good sermon” | Malcolm Cox



Teaching Tip 362 | “Plain Speaking - five things that can spoil an otherwise good sermon” | Malcolm Cox  Introduction Here is your 2-minute tip based on the book, “Plain speaking: How to preach and teach effectively" by David Bercot.  As a delicious dish can be ruined by one lousy ingredient, so a good lesson can be spoiled by small distractions. What might seem a minor detail to you as a speaker may appear majorly problematic to your hearers. Bercot offers us five issues to consider.  Mispronunciation. The odd word here or there is no big deal. However, if it is crucial to your topic it is a big deal. Mispronouncing an important word destroys your credibility and leads to significant distraction. Imagine a doctor mispronouncing the name of your medical condition. How would you feel? Poor Posture and Distracting Movements.  Stand and move in a manner appropriate to your context. Some church contexts suit more movement than others. How people are seated, the sight lines and amplification system w