Rich Zeoli

Biden’s Election Overconfidence Led Him to Embrace Radical Progressive Policies



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 2: 4:05pm- Rich explains that when it became clear Donald Trump would be the Republican Party’s 2024 presidential candidate, President Joe Biden and his administration decided to embrace radical progressive policies—operating under the assumption that election victory would be easily achieved. However, according to new polling from The New York Times, Sienna College, and The Philadelphia Inquirer, Trump now leads President Biden in five of the six key 2024 swing states—Pennsylvania (+3), Arizona (+7), Michigan (+7), Georgia (+10), and Nevada (+12). 4:20pm- Mark Penn—an adviser to former President Bill Clinton and chairman of Harris Poll—says the Biden campaign isn’t focused on winning the correct voters. He’s attempting to win the radical left, while seemingly forfeiting the moderate/independent vote. Penn explains that the swing voter is worth 2x the value of a progressive voter: “People usually assume that turning out so-called base voters in an election matters most, since swing v