Grace Church

Miracles and Misunderstandings | The Gospel of Mark: No Match for Jesus | Week 20



Big Idea: Jesus is easy to miss.  Jesus fed the 5000 after His disciples returned from being sent out. (6:30-44) Jesus responded to the crowds with compassion, (6:34) unlike the disciples who showed irritation. (6:35-37) He cared for the crowd (6:38-44; Numbers 27:15-17) as the Great Shepherd (Psalm 23:1) by feeding them in the echo of the Prophet Elisha. (2 Kings 4:42-44)  Ask yourself: How are you being called right now to meet someone’s needs while also sharing the Gospel with them?  Jesus walked on the water and revealed Himself to His disciples. (6:45-56)Jesus withdrew to prioritize the most important thing, spending time with His Father. (6:45-46) When the disciples struggled, (6:47-50a) Jesus went down and revealed Himself to them (6:50b) by “passing by” just as God had done in the Old Testament. (Ex 33:21-22; 1 Kings 19:11a) The disciples still didn’t recognize Jesus as the Son of God. (6:51-52)  Take time this week to look back on moments in your life where you’ve seen God’s provision, God’s comfort,