Sound Bites With Melissa Joy Dobbins

249: Food Allergies, Tests & Elimination Diets – Sara Glanz



A considerable amount of misinformation exists about food allergies among the public and health professionals alike. This episode delves into the prevalence and pathophysiology of food allergies, emphasizing the difference between self-reported and diagnosed cases, with around 6% of both U.S. adults and children affected. The immune-mediated nature of food allergies and the various types of reactions they can trigger are discussed as well as the importance of clinical correlation with test results, because tests like blood, skin prick and patch tests can yield false positives. The food elimination diet and oral challenge process are employed to eliminate and reintroduce suspected food allergens, however potential nutrient deficiencies can become a concern when omitting multiple foods or food groups. Strategies to reduce the risk of food allergies, including early introduction of allergenic foods to infants are highlighted. The role of dietitians in managing complex cases involving multiple allergies, infants