Pursue Your Spark

Redefining Bone Health In Midlife #213



Welcome to your action plan to combat osteoporosis, which you can manage with the right strategies. This episode shifts our focus from shock and worry to empowerment through proactive prevention. We discuss the importance of early screening, especially for those at increased risk due to factors like early menopause or a family history of osteoporosis. It's crucial to start these screenings as early as age 65 or even earlier for those at higher risk. Redefining Bone Health In Midlife transforms fear into action and takes charge of your bone health today. Osteoporosis, often called the silent killer, progresses without symptoms and can lead to fractures, loss of height, and severe pain. Factors contributing to the risk include low physical activity, poor diet, and confident lifestyle choices like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. However, we debunk common myths surrounding this condition, emphasizing that osteoporosis is not an inevitable part of aging and can be managed effectively with lifestyl