Spa It Girl Talk Show By Yvette Le Blowitz

EP.136 - Plan B - A Guide to Navigating and Embracing Change with Shannah Kennedy, Life Coach, Bestselling Author



Welcome to the #SPAITGIRL Talk Show with Yvette Le Blowitz EP.136 - Plan B - A Guide to Navigating and Embracing Change with Shannah Kennedy, Life Coach, Bestselling Author Shannah Kennedy is one of Australia's foremost strategic life coaches.  She works to transform her clients' careers wellbeing and lives. She specialises in executive strategy, transition, values, vision, overcoming burnout and life planning for individuals. Her proven expertise enables clients to gain control of their lives in order to achieve their visions and goals and find happiness and fulfilment. She is the bestselling author of The Life Plan, a wellbeing specialist, keynote speaker, workshop facilitator and media contributor, and a wife and mother of two. Shannah lives and dances with chronic fatigue syndrome and depression and is committed to living her best and most energetic life based on her values and commitment to authenticity. Shannah is a master of simplicity and presents the most powerful and essential life and wellness skil