Spa It Girl Talk Show By Yvette Le Blowitz

ep.79 - Anxiety Relief Guidance with Tammi Kirkness, Life Coach, Wellness Experts, Author



Welcome to the #SPAITGIRL Talk Show with Yvette Le Blowitz EP.79  - Anxiety Relief Guidance with Tammi Kirkness Tammi Kirkness is a Life Coach, founder of VisionScope Coaching, Wellness Expert and Author of The Panic Button Book - step by step guide to neutralise worry, overthinking and anxiety. For as long as Tammi Kirkness can remember she has been an overthinker, over analyser and perfectionist. She was always striving for results, feed off recognition and looked like she was blitzing life but meanwhile she was running on nervous energy and when she was single it was easy for her to hide her high-functioning anxiety but when she got into a relationship with a beautiful man whom she eventually moved in with and then married, hiding her anxiety and panic attacks was no longer possible. She remembers the day when she had a panic attack and she couldn't breath nor move her body and when she looked at her husband he looked terrified and she hated that. A few weeks later when she was in a much calmer headspace