Spa It Girl Talk Show By Yvette Le Blowitz

ep.70 - How to Fill Your Own Cup Up & Others - Emma Sullings, founder of Happy Boxes Project



Welcome to the #Spaitgirl Talk Show with Yvette Le Blowitz EP.70 - How to Fill Your Own Cup Back Up and others with Emma Sullings, founder of Happy Boxes Project Some in our own backyard in Australia are going without basic toiletires. Accessibility to simple items like deodorant, shampoo, soap prove challenging when the closest store can be up to 1000km away. Some communities are at the end of 750km of harsh, red dirt roads. Others can be cut off by flood waters for months at a time. Some are only accessible via boat or plane. Some communities may be lucky enough to have a small store, but the prices of basic items is exuberant. 19% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are living in unacceptable living standards due to overcrowded housing and structural faults. The target released by the government in the recent Close the Gap Agreement is to ensure 88% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are living in housing of an acceptable standard by 2031. Whilst this would be an improvement, it st