Spa It Girl Talk Show By Yvette Le Blowitz

ep.56 - Sustainable Self Care Rituals with Renee Mets co-founder of RITOLOGY



Welcome to episode 56 of the #SPAITGIRL Talk Show with Yvette Le Blowitz and our very special guest: Renee Mets co-founder of RITOLOGY RITOLOGY was Imagined in 2017 - Founded in 2018 and Launched in 2019. Co-founders Daegan & Renee of RITOLOGY started out as work colleagues which than blossomed into a flourishing friendship as they both loved minimalism, the outdoors, wellness, travel with a touch of wine and coffee. Daegan is Canadian and Renee is Australian after  researching and investigating personal care products they realised the product they wanted wasn't really out so that is when the real co-founder start up #girlboss journey began.  Their first RITOLOGY product is a plastic free razor that facilitates a closer shave with less irritation and ingrown hairs than it alternative. The purpose behind their first launch is to eliminate the 2 billion disposable razors that go to landfill ever year.   They believe that our actions do matter and that we can all make a difference when it com