Spa It Girl Talk Show By Yvette Le Blowitz

ep.53 - How to Make Peace With Food & Yourself - Avril Carpenter - Clinical Hypnotherapist



Welcome to Episode 53 of the #SPAITGIRL Talk Show with Podcast Host Yvette Le Blowitz and our very special guest Avril Carpenter is a Leading Clinical Hypnotherapist who specialises in weight loss hypnotherapy for women and she helps them reset sabotaging habits with  virtual gastric hypnosis  She shares that looking at her photos it's easy to assume that I've always had a happy relationship with my body and food. But in the kindest sends of the word I have been around the block when it comes to struggling with food and body confidence. Like so many women, I have a history of dieting, binge eating, and hating my body. Family-sized tubs of ice-cream, salt and vinegar chips and liquorice all sorts were my hidden shame. It wasn't until she stopped dieting and acknowledged some of the 'stuff' in my head with hypnotherapy that my relationship with food and body changed. Hypnotherapy had such tremendous echo in ever part of her life, that she left the corporate world and now spends her days helping women feel comfo